We have made some adjustments to the recently added limitations to Prime God gear trading. We have removed the previously added system of consuming 10 daily equips per equipped item in a prime god raid. Each equipped gear piece used in a Prime God raid will now be locked to that character for that day in Prime God raids only (locked character is visible on item hoverover), therefore not affecting the ability to use items outside of the Prime God system. If a Prime God raid is launched while a member is using gear prime locked to another character, the raid will not process once launched. This restriction will reset at day change.
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Fractured Accord.
The Superbowl Pool is now open! We are once again hosting 2 pools, one with a 50 point entry and another with a 500 point entry (5% transfer tax will apply, therefore total entry cost for the pools will be 52.5 points and 525 points). Each pool's reward will be separate, therefore every player can enter both pools once as long as you choose the same team. To enter the pools, send 50 or 500 points to Slash with the team you want to win. If you are entering both pools, you can send 550 points in one transfer. If your team wins, you will get your entry fee (including tax) back and the remaining points will be split evenly between all the winners. Outwar will be adding 105 points to the small pool and 1050 points to the large pool as well! All entries must be sent before the game begins.
Each successful Prime God raid will now add 10 daily equips to all items equipped by members in the raid. This change will have no impact on the ability to join Prime God raids once an equipped item has 0 equips remaining.
Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Divided Unity.
RaideR News
[f] PvE - too many to list
[f] Spotting - too many to list
[f] Raiding - too many to list
[f] ERROR - displaying errors
[f] SOCKET - cleaned up \r \t
[f] Data - Fixed Areas update not overriding base update function
[f] Spotting - Fixed Spotting not finding server gods
[f] Raiding - Fixed Gods raid result data, for spotting also
[f] Raiding - Fixed joininig raidid needle
[f] PvE - Quest - failing talk to mob
[f] Raiding - fixed Formed tab not raiding formed Server Boss raids
[f] Raiding - fixed Forming and joining captha
[f] Spotting - fixed raiding dead gods in room loop
[f] Spotting - fixed checking god if dead on server and room
[f] Data - remove illegal [] characters from Gods arrays so it doesn't crash
[^] UI/X - small UI and UX improvements
[f] PvE - fixed crash on attackroom mob list changed
[+] Lists - middle click checks/unchecks all - USE WITH CARE, possibly lenghty operation
[^] PvE Restart - redid the restart logic for PvE, hopefuly it will behave as it should, including restarting on low rage
[f] PvE - fixed Groups NOT saving checked Mobs
[f] PvE - random error on attacking mobs with list changed
[f] Settings - failed to save dialog looped forever in specific conditions
[f] Login - crashing if the login failed
[f] CharacterInfo - item hover - fixed missing background and updated look
[+] PvE - /!\ added maximum Recharge the Fury potion casting - !not tested!
[+] PvE - /!\ added posibility of buy, raid as step condition - !not tested!
[f] PvE - /!\ casting Recharge the Fury double check and using new Activation logic - !not tested!
[^] Inventory - Activation logic changed
FREE Database of information on Outwar Quests (quest giver, steps, rewards, rooms, etc.), Outwar Gods (drops, power, room, etc.), Outwar Gods Timeframe, Outwar Cauldron recipes, Outwar Experience chart.
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