Redefined News

Major back-end site update

There are way too many changes and updates to note, and far too many to properly test, so please, be sure to check it out and let me know what you think or if you find any issues @Discord or send a support ticket @Support.

2024-08-24 07:29:03

OW Data welcomes Sets

OW Data menu group has a new addition: Sets listing some of the sets available in OW right now.

Be sure to check it out and let me know what you think or if you find any issues @Discord or send a support ticket @Support.

2021-11-04 07:03:51

Outwar ManageR AiO updated

Outwar ManageR AiO has been updated to keep up with @Outwar changes and most important features are now functional.

If you find a bug or a feature is malfunctioning let me know @Discord or send a support ticket @Support.

2021-06-10 10:20:21

Quests validation pass completed

All current Quests had a validation pass to test if they can be completed with the info available both inside the Quest and other resources such as Mobs, Recipes, Raids and others.

The Quests' Prerequisites have also been updated based and comments have been added for extra info and for validation failure reasons.

Quests Validation is automagically ran frequently to ensure up-to-date info and data sanity.

2021-05-06 18:39:07

Outwar News

1/17/25 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest

Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Divided Unity.

1/3/25 - New Triworld Sanctuary Quest

Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Homefront Training.

12/20/24 - Christmas Event & New Triworld Sanctuary Quest

HO HO HO! It's Christmas time again! Talk to Saint Nick, help him retrieve his Candy Canes and he will reward you. We will also be hosting discord giveaways, so be sure to join our discord server and keep an eye on the giveaways channel! Saint Nick along with the Candy Canes and mobs will be removed when the event ends on the 23rd of December at 7am.

Lvl 92: Trelon in the Triworld Sanctuary is offering a new quest called Fact or Faction.

RaideR News

Change List

RaideR v4.3.7.20 26-11-2024 19:33

v4.3.7.20 ⇒ 26-11-2024 19:33
[f] PvE - too many to list
[f] Spotting - too many to list
[f] Raiding - too many to list
[f] ERROR - displaying errors
[f] SOCKET - cleaned up \r \t

v4.3.7.18 ⇒ 04-09-2024 07:56
[f] Data - Fixed Areas update not overriding base update function
[f] Spotting - Fixed Spotting not finding server gods
[f] Raiding - Fixed Gods raid result data, for spotting also

v4.3.7.17 ⇒ 20-10-2023 15:35
[f] Raiding - Fixed joininig raidid needle

v4.3.7.16 ⇒ 18-08-2023 06:21
[f] PvE - Quest - failing talk to mob

v4.3.7.15 ⇒ 11-07-2022 14:51
[f] Raiding - fixed Formed tab not raiding formed Server Boss raids
[f] Raiding - fixed Forming and joining captha
[f] Spotting - fixed raiding dead gods in room loop
[f] Spotting - fixed checking god if dead on server and room
[f] Data - remove illegal [] characters from Gods arrays so it doesn't crash
[^] UI/X - small UI and UX improvements

v4.3.7.14 ⇒ 14-06-2022 15:52
[f] PvE - fixed crash on attackroom mob list changed

v4.3.7.13 ⇒ 11-06-2022 16:01
[+] Lists - middle click checks/unchecks all - USE WITH CARE, possibly lenghty operation
[^] PvE Restart - redid the restart logic for PvE, hopefuly it will behave as it should, including restarting on low rage
[f] PvE - fixed Groups NOT saving checked Mobs
[f] PvE - random error on attacking mobs with list changed
[f] Settings - failed to save dialog looped forever in specific conditions
[f] Login - crashing if the login failed
[f] CharacterInfo - item hover - fixed missing background and updated look

v4.3.7.12 ⇒ 15-02-2022 08:12
[+] PvE - /!\ added maximum Recharge the Fury potion casting - !not tested!
[+] PvE - /!\ added posibility of buy, raid as step condition - !not tested!
[f] PvE - /!\ casting Recharge the Fury double check and using new Activation logic - !not tested!
[^] Inventory - Activation logic changed


FREE Database of information on Outwar Quests (quest giver, steps, rewards, rooms, etc.), Outwar Gods (drops, power, room, etc.), Outwar Gods Timeframe, Outwar Cauldron recipes, Outwar Experience chart.

FREE helper Auto or Semi Raider (ARJ), Auto Skiller, Auto Mover, Auto Attacker / DCer / DCAA, PvP, PvE, Auto Quester Applications and Programs.

PREMIUM access available, granting access to lots of extra features and supporting the continuous updates and maintenance of the programs but also the information found on this site.


Please use the Contact on this site for any informations or if you experience any problems with the software, website or donation.

You can also contact us on IRC by connecting to and joining the #RedefinedTools channel.